Please call 888-335-6838 if you have any questions regarding the claim procedure:
Your vehicle must be at a repair facility, within the continental United States, that is open to the public during normal business hours and capable to: perform tear-down to the point of component failure, determine the cause and extent of damage, and rebuild the component if CARS deems necessary. The vehicle must remain at the repair facility until repairs are complete. CARS reserves the right to have the repairs performed at a location other than the one you have selected..
The repair facility must call CARS Protection Plus to open a claim before any repairs are begun on the vehicle. If the repair facility calls before or after our operating hours, and leaves a message, we will contact the repair facility on the next business day.
Your repair facility must obtain an authorization number prior to starting any repair work. CARS will not be held responsible for paying any unauthorized repair invoices.
Upon completion of repair, a complete copy of the repair invoice, signed by the owner, must be faxed or mailed to CARS for payment.
The repair invoice must contain the following on the repair facility's letterhead with their complete address:
The repair invoice must contain the following on the repair facility's letterhead with their complete address:
Authorization number issued by CARS (authorization numbers are only good for 180 days).
Warranty on all replaced parts (if applicable).
VIN number
Current mileage
Owner name and address
Owner signature
Disclaimer: All coverages are provided by Cars Protection Plus. Cars Protection Plus is a third-party service contract. The above verbatim and coverage options were copied from Any questions or concerns please contact Cars Protection Plus at 888-335-6838.